
What Does it Take to Be a Pilates Instructor at ABC?

When I get a phone call from someone shopping around for a new Pilates studio, the very first thing I talk about are the amazing, knowledgeable instructors that we have here at ABC! I point out that our instructors are not just here to “teach” a good class, but to ensure that your form is good, your injuries are taken into consideration with proper modifications, and that you have a safe-yet-effective workout each time you are here.

I know it’s our amazing instructors that keep our clients coming back and staying strong with their fresh ideas for workouts. It’s our instructors that make this studio not just a place to workout, but rather a community. Most importantly, our instructors look at everyBODY as an individual, and they truly care about your goals and how they can help you achieve them.

If you ask any one of our instructors WHY they teach Pilates, I guarantee that it’s not because it’s a stable job, it’s not because it’s greatmoney, and it’s definitely NOT because it’s easy—it’s because they LOVE helping others through movement. It is not WHAT they do, it’s not HOW they do it, it’s WHY they do it.

Our fabulous group of instructors have worked here for years and are dedicated to the clients of ABC! I can’t say it enough, I’m SO proud of each and every one of our instructors, and I’m so grateful that I’m able to work and learn alongside these incredible teachers. I hope you as a client feel the same way!


I love taking ABC Pilates classes from Monica because her classes are challenging yet fun! – Melissa

I really love Charlotte’s classes because she is so patient with her participants. – Pam

Katherine’s classes keep your body tuned as best it can. At my age, some muscles normally don’t get exercised. Not in Katherine’s classes! She helps you be in the best form you’re able. So glad she’s back!!! – LuLu

Elizabeth is very good at reminding you to tighten what needs to be tightened to get the most out of her exercises. “Wrap-wrap-wrap.” – Dawn

I love Bethany’s classes because she cares about “your/mine” experience and getting the most out of your class. She is always attentive to the proper form of Pilates but also adds the fun and spark that makes us work harder. – Lila

To your health,
Julianne Land | abcpilates.com
ABC Pilates Studio Manager & Instructor



Sign Up for the Back-to-School Fitness Challenge


September 5 – September 29

For Loving It & Learning It MEMBERS ONLY.

It’s Back-to-School time, and not just for your kids! Brush up on your “ABCs” and enjoy a little healthy competition by signing up for our “Back-to-School Fitness Challenge!” You’ll get two assignments each week (e.g. “Take an ABC Yoga class” or “Post your healthy breakfast in our Facebook group.”) Complete your homework and get a sticker on your in-studio homework chart! The student with the most assignments completed will win teacher’s pet and get their NEXT MONTH’S MEMBERSHIP FREE. Click to View Flyer

Fill out the form below to sign up now!
Register by September 1

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Is Your Cognitive Bias Stopping You From Achieving Your Fitness Goals?


Have you cultivated a lifestyle of hyperbolic discounting?

For starters, you might want to know what hyperbolic discounting is! I sure didn’t know what it meant until I read a great Nir & Far article “Hyperbolic Discounting: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices”. I’d recommend reading the entire article for some really great info, but essentially hyperbolic discounting is when someone chooses a smaller, immediate reward rather than a larger, delayed reward.

The article described a research experiment that illustrated two choices: Receiving $100 today, or waiting a week and receiving $120. We are impatient and every time the person choose the $100 today for that immediate pleasure rather than the future good. I realized that most people have this cognitive bias, naturally (and unfortunately) many of us do this with our fitness goals!

Continue reading “Is Your Cognitive Bias Stopping You From Achieving Your Fitness Goals?”

Love Your Workout, Love Working Out!


Sixteen years ago I was searching for a way to get back into shape, regain my dancer’s flexibility, and get my abs back after having children. I joined a new gym and was there five days a week working out by myself, until one day, a vibrant woman with dark curls approached me. With a hearty laugh, she asked if I wanted to join her Mat Pilates class, and eager for a great workout, I agreed.

I’d never done Pilates before, and I absolutely loved the correlations to the movement of dance and the full-body awareness. I could articulate my spine, point my toes and just connect with my body. In short, I was captivated.

Continue reading “Love Your Workout, Love Working Out!”

An ABC Year in Reflection


Wow, I cannot believe it’s already the final ABC Pilates newsletter of 2016! As I think back on the year we’ve had here at the studio, I’m just so filled with gratitude toward all our clients, old and new. If you joined us for our annual Client Appreciation Party a few weeks ago, you probably noticed just like I did how unique our little Pilates studio is. Since ABC Pilates first opened its doors, the goal has always been to provide a friendly, non-competitive place for people of all fitness levels to achieve the amazing benefits of practicing Pilates. We didn’t want to be just another place to workout; we wanted it to be a welcoming place, a community of people coming together to support one another. Seeing all of you at the Client Appreciation Party is a yearly reminder that we would not be what we are today without our extraordinary clients.

Continue reading “An ABC Year in Reflection”


I joined ABC looking for a yoga studio but found pilates was more of my speed. This is not just a place to exercise but an environment where friends come together to get fit, healthy, and happy. I love the instructors who take good care of everyone. I always get the best encouragement possible! I also like the small class sizes for anything from yoga and pilates to Zumba and TRX. Thanks, ABC Fit Studio, for making being healthy fun!
— Candice D.
When my wife convinced me to try ABC Fit, little did I know it would become an almost daily fixture in my life. I enjoy multiple classes weekly and each is very special in approach to strength, balance, core, flexibility, and overall fitness. Feeling better and stronger physically leads to more enjoyment in all activities. I feel stronger and fitter and look forward to continuing to rely on ABC Fit as an integral part of my life.
— John T.
I’ve been doing pilates for almost 3 years now, and I feel stronger and have improved functionally in my daily activities
I was recommended by my physical therapist when I was a patient with many joint problems. My PT thought Pilates would help me, and it did!
I feel stronger, and have a better tone, range of motion, and a stronger core. I can get up from a low sofa with less effort now as my core plus legs are stronger; I owe all these improvements to Pilates. My teacher is patient and kind, always helpful — thank you!
— Surinder B.
I certainly enjoyed the Pilates session with Charlotte — it provides some pain relief, increased flexibility, and makes me want to be more active.
— Joni
I have been with ABC for about 7 years, and its biggest benefit has to be no more lower back pain and much more flexibility. Love it here!
— Mike P.
I love ABC Fit!!! Over the years, I’ve worked out at many places, but this is the first one I absolutely love — so much so that I usually come 7 days a week! What is so special are the small classes that mean lots of individual attention, the extraordinarily knowledgeable instructors, and the nice variety of classes. It has been a huge benefit to my well-being.
— Linda T.
My balance has definitely improved, and I feel stronger. The ABC classes are wonderful! Zumba has always been a joy. Great to dance, dance, dance!
— Brenda
ABC has helped me heal from knee surgery. The classes and teachers are amazing! It is a very welcoming and friendly studio.
— Helene C.



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