
Reformer Pilates: This Is What to Expect From a Class

We all know the importance of exercising, of course. However, it can be tricky to find the proper exercise, you know –the one that has you craving more (or at least not loathing it to never return!). If that’s your situation, consider pilates. Pilates is a complete full-body workout that strengthens and aligns the body to allow you to do whatever else you want to do more efficiently. It works for everybody, truly. And a reformer, well, it’s actually kind of fun. Learn what to expect from a class  — and prepare to love it.

Created by Joseph Pilates at the turn of the 20th century, Pilates entered the mainstream during the past few decades with the help of the Madonnas, Gwyneths, and Gisele’s of the world. Now the once-niche workout is offered around the world at nearly every gym, with many boutique fitness studios offering both private and group classes in person and virtually. While Pilates can be done on a mat, the more popular version for at-home workouts, the traditional method is executed on a piece of equipment designed by Joseph Pilates himself: the reformer.

What Is Reformer Pilates? 

Reformer Pilates is the Pilates method of movement done on a reformer. “A reformer is an apparatus designed with a system of springs and pulleys that allows an exercise to become more accessible (read: easier) or more challenging based on the choice of setup. The closed-chain setup allows for deeper proprioception of the body,” explains Tara Gordon, owner and founder of 212 Pilates. She points to the myth of common allure of the “long lean” muscles that Pilates is known for, attributing them to the full range of movement and load on the muscle that the reformer creates. 

“No exercise will change genetics, but Pilates offers a safe ability to work the muscle in and out of its most lengthened state,” she adds. 

Gordon explains that classically, there was an “order” to the reformer Pilates repertoire: All classes within a classical studio would pace through nearly the same order of exercises and spring tensions that represent different weights (some exercises are harder with heavier weights, but many are more challenging the lighter the weight). However, while honoring the initial system, the contemporary Pilates world “allows for modifications, variances of order and within honoring the Pilates principals new versions of older exercises.”      

Vanessa Johnson, the Pilates instructor at the Club Pilates Franchise, explains that their studios, as well as many others, offer reformer classes that both rehabilitate injuries and help prevent people from feeling pain, in addition to creating more of a cardio and restorative effect. She also points out that the support of the reformer gives your body the support it needs to move in ways you wouldn’t be able to without it. “Most reformer classes rely on the fact that your spine is decompressed as you lie down on the machine, so you can work in deeper angles during movements compared with standing up,” she says.

Type of Class: Building Muscle and Alignment

There are a variety of reformer pilates classes offered, but generally, the classes help with muscle building and alignment. “The beauty of reformer pilates is that it is true for everybody and there is a modification for everyone,” maintains Gordon. It is also a full-body workout and can “feel therapeutic,” starting slower with a focus on alignment and biomechanics, “but I promise you, the smaller and more precise the move, the more you’re going to feel it tomorrow so enjoy the meditative focus on the slower deep burn,” she says. 

She adds that pilates can also be cardio. “If that’s what you’re looking for, sign up for a Jumpboard Pilates class and be prepared to get your heart rate up.”

Best For: Anyone

Everyone from supermodels to athletes and even those who have sustained physical injuries benefits from reformer pilates classes. “Pilates in itself is a complete full-body system that strengthens and aligns the body to allow you to do whatever else you want to do more efficiently,” Gordon explains. “Dancers and other athletes praise pilates for meeting them where they are at and always being able to add an extra challenge when needed.”

Modified Pilates is great for injury rehabilitation, pre and post-natal and other contraindications to strengthen the body, “just make sure you are reading class descriptions,” she advises.

“In its simplest form from runners to my almost 70-year-old mother, reformer pilates meets you where you are at, allows you to flow through movement, and should make everything else you do easier and allow you to continue to do it longer.”

What to Expect During a Reformer Pilates Class

Johnson, who teaches reformer pilates classes at Club Pilates explains that classes are generally around an hour and are a full-body workout. “You should wear comfortable pants,(most people wear tighter fitting pants or shorts) along with toe socks or other grip socks,” she suggests. Note that you don’t wear shoes on a reformer and that while you can wear regular socks, “it’s best to have a supportive surface under your feet.”

Reformer Pilates classes are generally smaller than other group fitness classes, as the reformers are large and take up more space. Gordon notes that it is the instructor’s job to make sure you are set up properly for your height and will also correct you throughout the workout. If you have any injuries you should let them know ahead of time, “it won’t make the class easier, it will just make it safer for you and your body, she explains.

Also, be aware that reformer pilates classes aren’t necessarily a budget-friendly workout option. Per Balanced Body, the average cost for a private pilates session is similar to personal training ($50 to $100 per session), with group reformer classes averaging around $20-30 a class. However, many clubs do offer multiple session packages in order to reduce the per-class cost.

Benefits of a Reformer Pilates Class

  • It Is Easy on the Joints: Gordon explains that reformer Pilates is “closed chain,” meaning you move in a controlled manner against an adjustable spring system, “so there is no pounding impact on the joints.”
  • It Offers a Full-Body Workout: Both experts agree that a key benefit of reformer Pilates is that it is an integrative workout, involving your core and lower and upper body. 
  • It May Help With Flexibility: Similar to yoga, reformer Pilates may be beneficial in terms of flexibility. A 2015 study published in AGE found that it can increase the length and stretch of muscles in addition to a range of motion in the joints. 
  • It Can Help Improve Your Posture: One of the main benefits of reformer Pilates is that it can help you achieve and maintain a healthy posture. “Reformer Pilates allows for a proprioception of the spine, and a utilization of the deep intrinsic muscles of the core and spine to help you find space and stand taller and more connected,” Gordon says. 
  • Anyone Can Benefit From It: The beauty of the reformer is that it “really meets you where you are,” Gordon maintains. “Every day our bodies are different. Things such as how we sleep, our stress levels, where menstruating humans are in their cycles, and other factors affect our bodies on a day-to-day basis. The same principles can be used at different spring tensions or different setups to meet us where we are and offer either support or challenge.”

Safety and Injury Considerations

Gordon advises you to read the fine print of a reformer Pilates class before signing up. “Every reformer class is different, and every teacher is trained differently,” she explains. “Read class descriptions—if they say ‘no XYZ,’ please believe them.” You can always call the studio and discuss concerns, preexisting health conditions, or injuries ahead of time, so they can suggest the right class and teacher for you. “Some studios focus more on injuries or other special populations that have contraindications that would affect movement,” she explains—such as pre-and post-natal, osteoporosis, and superficial injuries and pain.  

If you have any preexisting spinal conditions or poor posture, you can still take reformer Pilates classes—and they can be incredibly beneficial. However, you should proceed with caution.  

“While a healthy body should be able to move in and out of different spinal positions, we, as a society, spend hours hunched over computers and phones and desks already in a C curve,” says Gordon. “Pilates created the method, originally called Contrology, during a time when we needed more spinal flexion. There is quite a bit of flexion (think C curve of the spine) and loaded (think with weight) flexion in many popular reformer Pilates classes that are not safe for the aforementioned conditions as well as spinal herniations.” She adds that a good teacher will modify moves for you and have you work in a neutral spine. “Typically, when looking to avoid injury, you should make sure you can perform the movement correctly in a neutral spine and/or pelvis before moving in and out of other positions,” says Gordon.

As for how many classes you can take in a week? “It’s not like a ‘leg day’ or ‘arms day’ type of workout,” explains Gordon. “A good Pilates reformer class should be a full-body workout that incorporates dynamic stretching, biomechanical movement, and the type of muscle burn that makes you feel supported and strong the next day vs. in pain.” This means you can safely take a reformer Pilates class daily if you please, “pushing yourself at different levels.” To see change, she recommends at least 2—3 classes a week of 30–55 minutes.

Gordon also notes that the Megaformer or Lagree Method is “not Pilates,” despite claims as such. “They are burnout methods and totally different.”

At-Home vs. In-Studio

The only way to do reformer Pilates at home is by owning a reformer. Unfortunately, a high-quality reformer will set you back $2,000 and up. If you have a reformer in your home, it can be exactly the same, explains Gordon. But if you don’t, it’s no longer considered reformer Pilates.  

Reformer Pilates vs. Mat Pilates 

Mat Pilates is the most similar alternative to reformer Pilates and maybe a more cost-effective option. Many gyms offer mat Pilates classes for free with a membership, while reformer Pilates classes often come at a premium. According to Gordon, while mat Pilates is effective, the reformer is a next-level workout. “Pilates itself is a full-body exercise system based on anatomy and biomechanics,” she explains. “Mat Pilates translates onto the reformer, so almost all exercises from the method build on one another with the added challenge—or help—from the apparatus.” 

What to Wear to a Pilates Reformer Class

Getting dressed for a reformer Pilates class is easy. Gordon suggests wearing something comfortable and easy to move in. “It doesn’t have to be tight or loose, whatever you feel best in,” she says. The only request that most studios have is to skip the cool leggings with zippers or other hardware, as those can ruin the reformer.

The Takeaway

A Pilates reformer class is a great workout for any and every type of body. “The reformer is a modifiable, adaptable, user-friendly piece of equipment and classes typically led by instructors with a comprehensive education that makes it both an achievable challenge for just about anyone,” says Gordon. Johnson adds that reformer workouts literally help to “reform” the body’s movement patterns in an efficient workout. “Done properly, Pilates workouts are often referenced as the most difficult because you are restoring old habits that have created inconsistencies in daily patterns,” she explains. “The goal of reformer workouts is to make sure everything is evenly displaced creating flexibility, strength, and mobility throughout the entire body.”

At ABC Fit Studio, we offer different types of Pilates classes, from beginners to advanced. Our focus is on health and wellness, and we will help you commit to exercising by adding fun and diversity to your practice. Visit our Facebook Page, or call us at 949.305.3310 for more information (We always have specials! Ask us about our latest offers!).


Looking to try something new and to belong to something spectacular? We have just what you need! Our space, instructors, and clientele are second to none! Come witness the benefits of pilates and yoga and watch your body (and your confidence!) transform! Visit ABC FIT STUDIO FACEBOOK PAGE or call us at 949.305.3310 to get started!

Core strength: why is it important and how do you maintain it?

Did you know that strong core muscles can reduce the risk of neck pain, torn muscles, ruptured disks, strained ligaments, and incontinence? WOW! Having it tuned up can keep your body pain-free along with other great benefits, such as losing weight and shaping some enviable abs. Read more about some signs you might be overdue to work on your core below – and a few simple ways you can shape that torso up!

Many people have become more sedentary in recent times with lockdowns and working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you’re moving less, this may have impacted your core strength. Or, you may just be thinking you need to improve it.

So, what exactly is the core? And why is it important to have good core strength?

What is the core?

The core consists of the muscles in your midsection, or torso, surrounding the spine and pelvis. This includes the abdominal muscles at the front, but also muscles within the lower back, and around your sides.

The core muscles are not considered powerful, but they play a fundamental role in stabilizing the spine and pelvis. They’re also key to maintaining good posture.

These functions are important to ensure you can move your limbs easily. Your core also protects you against injury — people with a weaker core are more likely to sustain a back injury. Core muscle strengthening is often an important part of rehabilitation after a back injury.

We use our core muscles while performing daily tasks like getting up from a chair, standing, walking, vacuuming, and lifting things.

The core muscles are also important for athletic activities like running, jumping, tackling, and lifting weights.

Some signs you might need to work on your core

As with other muscles, if we don’t use our core muscles enough, they become weak. When our core becomes weak, our movements are less supported, which can put pressure on other parts of our bodies.

Weakness in the core muscles can be associated with lower back pain, particularly among older people.

Knee pain is another possible sign the core muscles are too weak. Research has shown a core strength training program with physiotherapy has a greater effect on reducing knee pain than standard physiotherapy alone.

If you haven’t been exercising for a while, and you’re experiencing lower back pain or knee pain, it may be a sign your core muscles have become too weak and it’s time to do some work on strengthening them.

The good news is, we can improve core strength with exercise. And there’s no one exercise that is best — you can choose which approach works best for you.

If you do have back or knee pain, or have recently had a baby, consult your doctor or physiotherapist before getting started.

How to strengthen your core: some exercises you can do at home

While walking and running do involve activating the core muscles to some degree, to really target the core we can look to some specific exercises like the traditional sit-up or stomach crunch. These exercises work well to strengthen the muscles on the front of the torso and carry a very low risk of injury.

Modified versions can enhance the effects. For example, exercising on an unstable surface like a Swiss ball can increase the demands on the muscles.

Think of how much your ankle moves when you stand on one leg, for example. Being in this unstable position forces the muscles of your lower leg to work harder to keep your balance. It’s similar to the way your muscles tighten up when you’re walking on a slippery surface.

So, when you do sit-ups while sitting on a Swiss ball or a BOSU ball (the shape of a half-sphere, like in the picture below) you find you must engage your core muscles to stay on the device. This increases the intensity of the exercise.

The traditional crunch or sit-up predominantly works the muscles at the front of the torso, the rectus abdominis, commonly known as the abs.

A standard plank is also good for your abs and engages other muscles of the torso as well. And you can engage the core muscles at the side of the torso, called the obliques, even further with a side plank.

You can also try getting into a push-up position and raising one leg at a time from the hip while keeping the knee straight.

You can make this more challenging by raising the opposite arm at the same time, so your only points of contact are the ball of one foot and the other hand.

This is a good workout for your core, which is working hard to keep you in position. You can make it easier by doing this on your hands and knees.

Any exercise that activates the core muscles more than usual will help improve core strength. Sit-ups, crunches, and planks will target these muscles directly, and adding unstable surfaces like Swiss balls can enhance the activation.

But remember, other types of physical activity, like going for a jog or doing squats, can help your core strength too.

Reference: {https://theconversation.com/core-strength-why-is-it-important-and-how-do-you-maintain-it-160358}

It’s the perfect time to get your core muscles activated! Here at ABC Fit Studio, we offer exciting Ab Lab and Strength + Balance + Core classes. You will love our instructors – their friendliness, motivation, inspiration, and results! Visit ABC FIT STUDIO FACEBOOK PAGE or call us at 949.305.3310 for more information (We always have specials! Ask us about our latest offers!).

Looking to try something new and to belong to something spectacular? We have just what you need! Our space, instructors, and clientele are second to none! Come witness the benefits of pilates and yoga and watch your body (and your confidence!) transform! Visit ABC FIT STUDIO FACEBOOK PAGE or call us at 949.305.3310 to get started!

Instructor Spotlight – Alicia Arroyo


ABC Fit Studio is so excited to have Alica Arroyo join our team of instructors! Alicia has been teaching group fitness for 14 years and has been licensed to teach Zumba for a little over 13 years. In that span of time, she has also taught most group fitness formats that include sculpting, barre, mat pilates, and just about any dance format. As a Zumba instructor, Alicia was licensed to present for Zumba in 2010 as a “Zumba Jammer” teaching original choreography to other instructors to help provide them with fresh original material for their own Zumba classes. This included hosting 3-hour workshops at least once a month, in addition to teaching about a dozen weekly Zumba classes (pre-covid). Alicia has hosted nearly 200 of these workshops. She also appeared on the Zumba DVD in 2010 and many promotional TV spots for Zumba Fitness. Alicia has also had some pilates reformer training through Balance Body and has been AFAA certified since 2006. Alicia lives in Rancho Santa Margarita with her husband of 26 years and has four children, three sons, and one daughter. Her two oldest boys are away at college. Make sure to hop in for some Strength+Balance+Core, Zumba, or Booty Blast on Tuesday & Thursday mornings with Alicia!

Fun Facts About Alicia Arroyo

Fun Fact #1

Alicia has homeschooled her kids for 6 years. Her two oldest sons who graduated got full scholarships to Chapman and Stanford University. Her oldest son graduated from Chapman as their first Rhodes Scholar and is currently in Oxford England.


Fun Fact #2

Alicia was born in Mexico and came to CA when she was 8 years old. She is fluent in Spanish.


Fun Fact #3

Alicia used to be in kid’s plays and sang and acted in them that toured So. CA in the early ’80s. They were called Kids Praise and she was featured in their album recordings and Videos too.


Fun Fact #4

Our amazing Studio Manager Julianne was in the 2010 Zumba DVD’s with Alicia and they have been friends ever since!


Looking to try something new and to belong to something spectacular? We have just what you need! Our space, instructors, and clientele are second to none! Come witness the benefits of pilates and yoga and watch your body (and your confidence!) transform! Visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabcfitstudio or give us a call at 949.305.3310 to get started!

2021 The Year Of Hybrid Fitness, Predict ClassPass & Mindbody


The holiday season is a truly welcome respite — especially for this year! After a challenging 2020, it’s time to look back on some of the positive outcomes and silver lining. Read on for some great new statistics on how fitness fared and what it looks like heading into 2021.

  • One in four professionals is exercising more now than at the start of COVID-19.
  • Yoga was the top digital workout of 2020, with HIIT the top in-person workout of the year, while outdoor fitness classes surged by 400%.
  • 12 pm on weekdays and 10 am on weekends was the most popular time to work out.
  • Pure Barre (New York City), Love and Alchemy (LA), and BLOK (London) have proven most popular for digital classes since the start of the pandemic.
  • Wellness and beauty treatments spiked by 25% following the US presidential election.
  • 92% hope to return to fitness studios and gyms in 2021, with 40% planning to return exclusively to in-studio workouts.

NEW YORK CITY, United States — Fitness and wellness aggregator ClassPass has released its annual report, spotlighting the leading trends observed in a year rocked to its foundations by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Most promisingly, especially given 95% of fitness studios around the world were forced to shut their physical spaces due to coronavirus, the report found that one in four people are exercising more now than at the start of the outbreak.

The company’s insights, compiled from 30,000 boutique studios, gyms, spas, and wellness partners across 30 countries, also reveals which studios and types of workouts best transitioned online. And, why, 2021 will be “the year of hybrid fitness” —  a prediction shared by leading voices at both ClassPass and wellness platform Mindbody.

“An incredibly challenging year”

Commenting on the report, Kinsey Livingston, ClassPass VP of Partnerships said: “2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for the fitness community, but it has also been one that reflects the grit, resilience and creativity of the industry.

“Fitness fans have continued to show up to class, whether virtually, distanced in parks or back in studios,” she told Welltodo.

“One of the biggest changes we saw this year was a shift to daytime workouts as many people began working from home and fitness fans prioritized outdoor workouts. With many new companies investing in corporate wellness benefits, lunchtime sweat sessions have become the norm with professionals.”

She added: “We have also seen a big increase in the number of ClassPass members booking beauty and wellness services as members have looked for ways to balance self-care outside of exercise.”

Here we run through some of the key trends highlighted in the report.

COVID-secure outdoor workouts surged 400%

The report found that while 81% of ClassPass customers tried digital workouts, outdoor fitness classes have emerged as a new trend in their own right.

Outdoor classes saw a 400% increase, with US luxury chain Equinox leading the way on both the East and West coasts, while four in five reported a willingness to attend these classes in the future.

The ClassPass report found residents of Los Angeles in the US and Edinburgh in the UK ranked most likely to exercise outdoors, with New Yorkers and Londoners most likely to stream their workouts on-demand.

Yoga is the most popular digital workout of 2020
According to ClassPass’ report, yoga rose in popularity by 25% to be the top digital workout of 2020, and most popular for someone taking their first Livestream class, followed by High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Pilates.

That trend was also reflected in the studios that have proven the most popular for digital classes since the start of the pandemic: Pure Barre in New York City, Love and Alchemy in LA, BLOK in London, and Equal Yoga in Amsterdam were the big winners.

With yoga and bodyweight workouts the common thread, Oncore (London), Chez Simone (Paris), Saints & Stars and Delight Yoga (Amsterdam), and Mo’s Bootcamp (NYC) also proved adept at transitioning online.


HIIT is the most popular in-person workout of 2020
The demand for in-person studio and gym classes remains strong, with HIIT the top in-person workout of 2020, followed by indoor cycling and reformer Pilates in both the US and UK.

According to a separate study conducted by ClassPass last month, which surveyed 2,185 people from 19 countries, 92% of professionals hope to return to fitness studios and gyms in 2021, with 40% planning to return exclusively to in-studio workouts when they feel safe to do so.

Almost nine in 10 said they would go back as frequently, or more so, to future indoor fitness classes.

The US election triggered a wave of wellness treatments
ClassPass also reported a spike in wellness and beauty treatments following the presidential election in the US. Stress-relieving beauty and wellness appointments were up by 25% in the three days after the ballots closed.

The most booked appointments were massages, facials, and nail treatments. The urgent demand for post-lockdown haircuts also increased by 82%.

“Massages and manicures have become the perfect Sunday treat for people who feel comfortable with 1:1 spa services, and meditation is a popular way to destress with bookings up by 19%,” Livingston said.

Corporate wellness is now a must-have
With one in four professionals exercising more now than at the start of COVID-19, ClassPass believes corporate wellness benefits have now become a must-have for companies to support their staff.

Its report found that 96% of professionals say they feel more motivated and less stressed after exercising, with 89% of professionals saying they feel more productive during the workday after exercising.

“Since the start of the pandemic, ClassPass has offered remote fitness benefits to one million employees across companies of all sizes,” read a statement from ClassPass, released with the trend report.

“The interest from companies is continuing to grow, and we expect fitness and wellness benefits to be more important than ever in attracting and retaining talent.”


2021 will be the year of hybrid fitness
While ClassPass’ data suggests fitness fans have overwhelmingly embraced digital workouts, Livingston believes members are eager to reintroduce equipment-heavy classes back into their routine as soon as it’s safe to do so.

“Looking into the year ahead, we expect many fitness fans to mix at-home workouts with in-studio classes,” she told Welltodo.

“60% of our members say they will continue with a hybrid of digital and at-home workouts in 2021, so it’s likely they may lean into digital classes such as yoga and HIIT that require little or no equipment and return to studios for classes that are tough to replicate at home.”

And based on Mindbody’s own findings, the prediction appears to be shared across the industry. “2021 will be the year of hybrid fitness,” Phil Coxon, Managing Director EMEA told Welltodo.

Adding: “We surveyed consumers in September and found that although they have missed in-person classes greatly, 75% said they’d continue taking virtual classes in addition to returning to their studios once the pandemic is over.

According to Coxon: “Consumers love the affordability and accessibility of online classes and this has been proven by the skyrocketing demand we have seen for our virtual wellness platform.”

However, he’s hopeful that as life returns to normal in 2021, virtual classes and content will continue to grow in popularity.

Reference: {https://www.welltodoglobal.com/2021-the-year-of-hybrid-fitness-predict-classpass-mindbody/}

Looking to try something new and to belong to something spectacular? We have just what you need! Our space, instructors, and clientele are second to none! Come witness the benefits of pilates and yoga and watch your body (and your confidence!) transform! Visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabcfitstudio or give us a call at 949.305.3310 to get started!

Instructor Spotlight – Molly Marini

We are super excited to welcome Molly Marini into our ABC Fit Studio family!

Molly is a Rhode Island native who moved to Southern California in 2001 with her husband Frank and twin 16-year-old sons, Roan and Vance. She is a fitness enthusiast and has always been active growing up, playing softball, and soccer. Her favorites gym classes are cardio kickboxing, weightlifting, pilates, and barre. When she is not in the pilates studio, you’ll find her traveling, hanging out with her dogs Tango and Cash, or cheering on the New England Patriots NFL team with her family. Molly will be finishing up her pilates certification program shortly and looks forward to seeing you in her Strength + Balance + Core class on Tuesdays at 9:30 am!

Fun Facts About Molly Marini

Where’s your favorite place in the world?


What is the first concert you attended?
Huey Lewis and the News


If you were stuck on an island what three things would you bring?
Sunblock, my family, my doggies


Before working at ABC, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
International trainer


One thing no one would guess about me is…
I’m terrified of Dracula!


Three words to best describe you:
Energetic, Fair, & Focused

Looking to try something new and to belong to something spectacular? We have just what you need! Our space, instructors, and clientele are second to none! Come witness the benefits of pilates and yoga and watch your body (and your confidence!) transform! Visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabcfitstudio or give us a call at 949.305.3310 to get started!


I joined ABC looking for a yoga studio but found pilates was more of my speed. This is not just a place to exercise but an environment where friends come together to get fit, healthy, and happy. I love the instructors who take good care of everyone. I always get the best encouragement possible! I also like the small class sizes for anything from yoga and pilates to Zumba and TRX. Thanks, ABC Fit Studio, for making being healthy fun!
— Candice D.
When my wife convinced me to try ABC Fit, little did I know it would become an almost daily fixture in my life. I enjoy multiple classes weekly and each is very special in approach to strength, balance, core, flexibility, and overall fitness. Feeling better and stronger physically leads to more enjoyment in all activities. I feel stronger and fitter and look forward to continuing to rely on ABC Fit as an integral part of my life.
— John T.
I’ve been doing pilates for almost 3 years now, and I feel stronger and have improved functionally in my daily activities
I was recommended by my physical therapist when I was a patient with many joint problems. My PT thought Pilates would help me, and it did!
I feel stronger, and have a better tone, range of motion, and a stronger core. I can get up from a low sofa with less effort now as my core plus legs are stronger; I owe all these improvements to Pilates. My teacher is patient and kind, always helpful — thank you!
— Surinder B.
I certainly enjoyed the Pilates session with Charlotte — it provides some pain relief, increased flexibility, and makes me want to be more active.
— Joni
I have been with ABC for about 7 years, and its biggest benefit has to be no more lower back pain and much more flexibility. Love it here!
— Mike P.
I love ABC Fit!!! Over the years, I’ve worked out at many places, but this is the first one I absolutely love — so much so that I usually come 7 days a week! What is so special are the small classes that mean lots of individual attention, the extraordinarily knowledgeable instructors, and the nice variety of classes. It has been a huge benefit to my well-being.
— Linda T.
My balance has definitely improved, and I feel stronger. The ABC classes are wonderful! Zumba has always been a joy. Great to dance, dance, dance!
— Brenda
ABC has helped me heal from knee surgery. The classes and teachers are amazing! It is a very welcoming and friendly studio.
— Helene C.



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