
Yoga For Stress and Anxiety Relief

Yoga For Stress and Anxiety Relief

Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calmness. Heavens knows we all could use some feelings of calm, now more than ever. Take a minute for yourself – it’s not a waste of time nor something you can’t fit into your next hour. You need to settle your soul a bit; it’s so very important. Make the time, say ‘no’ to everyone and everything else pulling at you for a few minutes, give yourself permission to just breathe and move a bit with mindfulness. 

We can’t wait to welcome you back to ABC Fit Studio soon. Look at our website when you’ve got time (AFTER you breathe) and plan what classes you’ll want to take. We have dozens. Stay well. 

Cathryn, Julianne, and the entire ABC Fit Studio Team.


Breath is a direct line to our parasympathetic nervous system (think rest and digest). Through slow deep breathing, we activate the relaxation response and ease anxiety and tension in the body.

Mindful Breathing

Step one in calming stress and anxiety through breathing is simply becoming aware of your breath. To start, sit in a comfortable spot with the spine long. If you are in a chair, place your feet flat on the floor. If sitting is too uncomfortable for you, try this exercise while lying down.

  1. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and pay attention to your breath as it flows into and out from your body.
  2. Try placing your right hand over your belly and you’re left hand over your heart. Notice the gentle expansion of the torso as you inhale and contraction as you exhale.
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply, observing the natural rise and fall, for 7 breaths.
  4. Return to normal breathing and observe any changes in the mind/body.

Pursed-Lip Breathing

Pursed-lip breathing is a simple technique to slow down one’s breathing, promoting a sense of relaxation. It has also been shown to relieve shortness of breath and, over time, strengthen the lungs.

  1. Close your mouth, slowly inhale through your nose while counting to two.
  2. Purse your lips like you were about to whistle or blow out a candle.
  3. Slowly exhale through your pursed lips while counting to 4.
  4. Repeat for 4 or 5 breaths. Repeat this periodically throughout the day.


Stretches to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension

When we experience stress and anxiety, the body responds by clenching the muscles, often most notably the neck and shoulders. This can contribute to constricted breath and lead to greater discomfort. Practice these simple stretches to relieve shoulder and neck tension and breathe a little easier.

½ Neck Circles

  1. Sit up straight, inhale to lengthen your spine.
  2. Exhale, drop your right ear toward your right shoulder. Breathe slowly as you lift and lower your chin, creating half circles for 2 breaths.
  3. Pause with your right ear at your right shoulder, take 3 deep breaths here.
  4. Inhale and bring your head back up to center. Repeat on the left side.

Seated Back Bend

  1. Sit up straight at the forward edge of your chair, interlace your hands lightly behind your head with your elbows out wide.
  2. As you inhale, lift your gaze and chest slightly, opening the elbows wider, creating a curve from your head to your tailbone.
  3. Hold the arch and take three full deep breaths.
  4. Return to neutral. Rest for a few seconds and repeat two more times.

Cat-Cow Pose

  1. Begin on your hands and knees in a “table-top” position. Ensure your knees are directly below your hips and your shoulders are directly over your wrists. Gaze down at the floor with your head centered between your shoulders.
  2. As you inhale, lift your chest and sit bones toward the ceiling as your belly moves toward the floor. Gaze straight ahead.
  3. Exhale, round your spine up toward the ceiling, releasing your head toward the floor.
  4. Repeat 4 times, syncing breath and movement.

Legs up the Wall

Calms the mind. Promotes restful sleep.

  1. Begin the pose by sitting with your left side against the wall.
  2. Gently turn your body to the left as you bring your legs up the wall.
  3. Lower your shoulders and head on the floor. Shift your weight side to side and scoot your buttocks close to the wall. Allow your arms to relax by your sides with your palms up. Relax your legs.
  4. Close your eyes. Hold the posture for 5 minutes breathing mindfully.
  5. To release, slowly push yourself away from the wall and slide your legs down to the right side. Use your hands to press you up to seated.

Looking to try something new and to belong to something spectacular? We have just what you need! Our space, instructors, and clientele are second to none! Come witness the benefits of pilates and yoga and watch your body (and your confidence!) transform!

Visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theabcfitstudio or give us a call at 949.305.3310 to get started!


I joined ABC looking for a yoga studio but found pilates was more of my speed. This is not just a place to exercise but an environment where friends come together to get fit, healthy, and happy. I love the instructors who take good care of everyone. I always get the best encouragement possible! I also like the small class sizes for anything from yoga and pilates to Zumba and TRX. Thanks, ABC Fit Studio, for making being healthy fun!
— Candice D.
When my wife convinced me to try ABC Fit, little did I know it would become an almost daily fixture in my life. I enjoy multiple classes weekly and each is very special in approach to strength, balance, core, flexibility, and overall fitness. Feeling better and stronger physically leads to more enjoyment in all activities. I feel stronger and fitter and look forward to continuing to rely on ABC Fit as an integral part of my life.
— John T.
I’ve been doing pilates for almost 3 years now, and I feel stronger and have improved functionally in my daily activities
I was recommended by my physical therapist when I was a patient with many joint problems. My PT thought Pilates would help me, and it did!
I feel stronger, and have a better tone, range of motion, and a stronger core. I can get up from a low sofa with less effort now as my core plus legs are stronger; I owe all these improvements to Pilates. My teacher is patient and kind, always helpful — thank you!
— Surinder B.
ABC has a great variety of group classes, which allows me to take multiple classes and challenge my body in different ways. It keeps the workouts fun and interesting. It helps me reduce stress and keeps me strong!
— Natalie M.
I certainly enjoyed the Pilates session with Charlotte — it provides some pain relief, increased flexibility, and makes me want to be more active.
— Joni
I have been with ABC for about 7 years, and its biggest benefit has to be no more lower back pain and much more flexibility. Love it here!
— Mike P.
I love ABC Fit!!! Over the years, I’ve worked out at many places, but this is the first one I absolutely love — so much so that I usually come 7 days a week! What is so special are the small classes that mean lots of individual attention, the extraordinarily knowledgeable instructors, and the nice variety of classes. It has been a huge benefit to my well-being.
— Linda T.
My balance has definitely improved, and I feel stronger. The ABC classes are wonderful! Zumba has always been a joy. Great to dance, dance, dance!
— Brenda
ABC has helped me heal from knee surgery. The classes and teachers are amazing! It is a very welcoming and friendly studio.
— Helene C.



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