12-Hour Cancellation Reminder
Please remember that our Cancellation Policy is 12 hours prior to the start of class. Canceling your spot as soon as you can not only helps you to avoid the $12 Late-Cancel/No-Show Fee, it also gives one of your ABC Pilates friends who is on the waitlist ample notice to grab that spot that they’ve been hoping for. We know that life happens, and we appreciate your diligence in taking a moment to Late-Cancel when necessary rather than just being a No-Show.
And if you’re on a waitlist for a class, don’t forget to check your email before class to see if you made it in!
We Raised $154 for Heart Disease Awareness
Thank you to everyone who checked-in on Facebook during National Heart Month to help raise awareness about heart disease. We raised $77 through month-long check-ins, and ABC Pilates has matched that! All together, with your help, we were able to donate $154 to GoRed for Women.
Remember, by living a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by as much as 80%, so keep taking care of your heart through a healthy diet and regular physical activity, like Pilates!
March 16 Nutrition Workshop at Rausch PT
Our friends around the corner at Rausch Physical Therapy & Sports Performance will be hosting their first Wellness Wednesday Workshop of 2016 on March 16, Fueling Fitness: Nutrition for Endurance Athletes. This interactive workshop features speaker Kristin Hirahatake, a registered dietitian and accomplished runner/triathlete. Kristin will discuss the fundamentals of sports nutrition with an emphasis on diet quality for athletes. Learn how to determine your individual nutritional needs and optimize your diet to better support your Pilates practice and active lifestyle.