The Gyrotonic Method is an original and unique movement method that addresses the entire person by opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and improving strength and movement efficiency. With Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.
The Gyrotonic Method utilizes specialized equipment to guide, assist and challenge the exerciser.
People from all walks of life take Gyrotonic classes, including fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, accomplished athletes and people recovering from an injury or living with a disability. Gyrotonic exercises help athletes improve their performance and rehabilitation clients recover more quickly and fully post injury.

Exploring the GYROKINESIS® Method for Holistic Body Movement and Strength
The Gyrokinesis Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method that coordinates movement, breath and mental focus.
The Gyrokinesis Method is practiced on a mat and chair without equipment. Without the feedback and guidance of equipment, participants in a Gyrokinesis class are more dependent on their own proprioception to explore movement sequences.
GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC® & Logo and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.